Save the Winter Fuel Allowance!
The winter fuel allowance has left our pensioners choosing between heating and eating.
Labour's callous austerity cut to the Winter Fuel Allowance has left pensioners choosing between eating or heating!
Around 6,000 of those aged over 80 in Rochdale Borough are at risk of losing their Winter Fuel Payments due to the government’s cuts, the latest official statistics have revealed.
Rochdale Liberal Democrats, have called on the new government to “change course” in the face of these new statistics saying that ministers must “protect vulnerable pensioners” with thousands at risk of having to choose between heating and eating this winter.
All those aged over 80 were previously entitled to £300 each to help with their energy bills to stay warm during the winter months. but analysis of the new data shows that in Rochdale Borough, around 6,000 pensioners aged over 80 are not in receipt of pension credit and will lose their Winter Fuel Payment they were previously entitled to, unless they receive other benefits.
In total, last year those aged over 80 in Rochdale Borough received £2 million in support with £5.5 million given out to all pensioners in the borough. This figure will drastically fall this winter following the withdrawal of support by the Labour government, with over 26,000 pensioners in Rochdale Borough who do not receive pension credit at risk of losing support due to the government’s cuts.
This cut comes at a time when the energy companies are increasing the average household bills by £150.00, a total increase of up to £450.00 per household.
Age UK has previously said that 2.5 million pensioners will “be in serious trouble” this winter due to the cutting of the payments. Rochdale’s Lib Dems called on the government to “reverse these proposals and protect vulnerable pensioners” this winter.

Petition: Save Winter Fuel Payments
The Liberal Democrats are running a national campaign to save the Winter Fuel Payments. You can help us by signing our petition.
Help and Support
If you are concerned about the cost of fuel this winter then here are some useful websites for you to take a look at.
The removal of winter fuel allowance means pensioners may have to find both the £300 they lose in benefits, and an extra £150 to cover the rising costs of fuel this winter. That is an extra £450 in total and may mean many are forced to choose between eating and heating this winter.
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