£250,000 boost for our young people!
The Liberal Democrats have pledged an extra quarter of a million to combat anti-social behaviour. This money will be spent on detached youth workers, aimed at intervening in areas suffering from anti-social behaviour from young people. The money will be spent from May this year.
Council Leader Alan Taylor said, "One of the things we have identified is the lack of youth provision in the Borough. We are not miracle workers and cannot provide premises for youth provision within a year. What we can do is budget for youth engagement to try and sort out many of the problems that exist amongst young people disenfranchised by the education system. This money will strengthen both our communication with young people and give our young people inspiration. For too long our Council has not done enough to engage with our young people - this is sign that we are changing."
Councillor Irene Davidson, the Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families said, "For a lot of young people the classroom is where they learn their discipline. We are extending our learning to areas that have been ignored for decades. I also delighted how positive the young people of the Borough have taken to our idea of 100 of them coming together to force the Council to revisit decisions made by this Council. We want to extend that and have a thriving Youth Council that plays a complete role in democracy in Rochdale with a budget and influence how this Council operates,"
Meanwhile, the Liberal Democrats have committed to further consultation on the exciting £150 Million Building Schools for the Future Bid. Councillor Peter Rush said, "We are committed to providing educational excellence in places like Heywood. This must be done with the interests of the people affected concerned. Here in Heywood we have an exciting opportunity - with Greater Manchester's first Joint RC/CE High School. We have already sounded out Heywood residents on this issue and they back a centrally located school."