How would you spend the £5 billion wasted on Iraq War?
Many people in Rochdale are still scathing that Tony Blair (supported by Rochdale's Labour MP) led us into an illegal War in Iraq. The War, despite the huge opposition, cost a staggering £5 billion pounds - this figure is rising.
Lib Dem Parliamentary hopeful - Paul Rowen said, "The Lib Dems are the only major political party to oppose the War. We now see many people in Rochdale struggling to make ends meet. These include students, pensioners and many other people. We are suffering from the Government pulling the plug on the Metrolink, students being put off from University, many of our elderly having to sell their homes to pay for personal care and much, much more!
The £5 billion spent on the Iraq War would have paid for improvements right across our services -but what do you think? How would you have spent this money? You can use our - "Iraq War Calculator" to have your say, and whilst you are at it - why not find out how much you would save under the Lib Dem Policy of axing the dreaded Council Tax - with our "Council Tax Calculator!"
The "Iraq War Calculator" is a free program which runs on mobile phones. Phone users can choose how they would rather have rather have spent the 5 billion which the government has wasted on the Iraq conflict.