Rochdale's Environment supremo demands investigation!
Cllr. Wera Hobhouse, Rochdale Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability has demanded an investigation after the River Spodden was polluted over the weekend. The Environment Agency are currently investigating the cause of the pollution. An Ecologist is expected today and the source is not known and all the drains are being checked.
"I take the severe pollution incident over the weekend in the River Spodden very seriously. Apparently this has happened before at a weekend, and by the time an Official from the Environment Agency investigated no evidence of who the polluter was could be established. I am very worried that these incidents will happen again and again as long as polluters can get away with it.
As an Elected Member of the Council I have unfortunately no control over the Environment Agency but I have asked our Environmental Health Officer to liase and cooperate with the Environment Agency. The Council is keen to get to the bottom of this and find out who is responsible."