Rush backs end to Anti-Social Behaviour Campaign!
Heywood Councillor - Peter Rush has backed calls against anti-social behaviour in Heywood.
He said, "There has been a recent, alarming escalation in crime of late in Heywood and that cannot continue. There are many underlying reasons why this is happening - It is clearly obvious that we need more Police Officers on the streets of Heywood. The Police Numbers cut from the streets of Heywood in the light of GMP's Budget Shortfalls doesn't help, also we have a part time Police Station that needs to stay open longer to help address some of the clear problems in Heywood - crime doesn't stop at 5pm.
I am also calling for more parental responsibility - How many parents are asking where their children are going or what they are doing at night? I appreciate that there is a lack of youth provision in Heywood and that is something we are looking at."