Councillor Pauline Maguire - Littleborough Lakeside Ward
Pauline is standing for re-election to Rochdale Council on the 4th of May. She has represented the people of Littleborough Lakeside for the last two years and has been a tireless campaigner to keep our local health service from being decimated by the Pennine Acute Trust and the Labour Government.
Pauline served as Vice-Chair of the Children, Schools and Families Committee and is a governor at Littleborough Community School.
Pauline lives and works in Littleborough, some of you may have met her at the Littleborough Group Practice where she works as a receptionist. She has two grown up sons and lives with her partner in Calderbrook. Pauline trains with Littleborough Ladies Hockey Club as a way of keeping fit.
Pauline is involved with young people as a Beaver Scout Leader and as a governor at Littleborough School.
As a Councillor Pauline has worked tirelessly for the improvement of health care and is also a member of the Pennine Planning and Grants Committees, she is Vice Chair of the Children, Schools and Families Committee and a director of Moor End Trust.
Voting for Pauline is voting for dedication and experience.