FOCUS ON THE RIGHT TO SEE A GP House of Commons Library Research commissioned by the Liberal Democrats has revealed that the number of people in Rochdale waiting 14 days or longer for a GP…
FOCUS ON CLEANING UP KINGSWAY Liberal Democrat candidate, Saghir Ahmed, has been reporting litter and fly-tipping across Kingsway ward, and he blames this situation on the Labour council’s…
THE RIGHT TO SEE A GP! House of Commons Library research commissioned by the Liberal Democrats has revealed that the number of people in Rochdale waiting 14 days or longer for a GP appointment saw…
CAMPAIGNING TO CLEAN UP OUR RIVERS Liberal Democrat research shows that sewage overflows into the Spodden, designed to protect the sewage system from extreme storm damage, spilt sewage…
Focus on Fly Tipping Three weekly refuse collections cause fly-tipping! Liberal Democrat candidate, Zulfiqar Ali, said "When I was a councillor we fought to keep…
FOCUS ON GP APPOINTMENTS AND SERVICES House of Commons Library research commissioned by the Liberal Democrats has revealed that the number of people in Rochdale waiting 14 days or longer…
FOCUS ON FORUMS Rochdale’s Labour bosses have recently passed through council that they will be getting rid of the local area forums which were set up by the…
FOCUS ON PARKING! For fifteen years local residents have complained of car parking chaos around the Armstrong Estate. Liberal Democrat Candidate, Zulfiqar Ali said…
Focus on Potholes Labour seem to be digging themselves more holes! Every year we hear that the Council has pledged Millions of pounds for the repairs of our roads yet we still see massive…